la mer blesse – screening and exhibition at SOMA Art Space

← Summer 2023

© Pauline Pyras

la mer blesse – screening and exhibition at SOMA Art Space

SOMA Art Space, Eylauer Str. 9, 10965 Berlin,

Sat, 22.06.2024
7 pm Screening with Q&A
3 - 10 pm Exhibition with films and installations

The project la mer blessée in cooperation with Sea Sheperd Germany as an international, non-profit marine conservation organization for the preservation of biodiversity and the marine ecosystem, served to expand our knowledge about the sea, the largest ecosystem in the world, and about effective measures to protect endangered species, specific habitat types and habitat requirements. The Moving Image Design class actively participated in the "Baltic Sea Campaign 2023" and dealt with topics such as species protection and climate change.

The aim of the project was to shed light on the threats to the sea in an innovative cinematic way and to create artistic works, animations, films or videos using the possibilities of the moving image. The focus was not only on environmental destruction, but above all on the relationship between humans and the environment, the slow processes of change ('shifting baseline syndrome') and the lack of a reference system for our actions. The works pursue a documentary or experimental approach, narrative/non-narrative/anti-narrative. In any case, they are independent, artistic works that transport the students' personal thoughts uncompromisingly into society.

With works by Alina Abberger, Ezra Alvarez, Vincent Carter, Paulina Höfner, Stella Horta, Agata Hörttrich, Raviva Nsiama, Pauline Pyras, Yael Rathjens, Johanna Rohr, Felix Schirmer, Moana Schorlemer Filipe, Tim Stürze, Tristan Wheeler

Klasse Gestaltung des bewegten Bildes, 2023
Prof. Kathi Kæppel, Manja Ebert

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