studio classA loop can be described as a closed circuit or a permanently repeated sound- or sequence of movement.
The first roller coaster with a looping was opened 1895 on Corney Island. The cinematic precedents as Zoetrope or Praxinoscope as well as the first film sequences from 1886 by Thomas Alva Edison were presented as continuous loops. 1948 Pierre Schaeffer created sound loops by preparing closed grooves on vinyl records. In the 1960s artists and filmmakers started a stronger use of loops as an aesthetic tool. Since the 1980s rhythmic sound and image loops belong to an important part of pop culture and video art. Loops can peeve, but also make you happy and relaxed
This semester we concentrated on the loop as a phenomenon in content and format. The students have realised cinemagrams in which only details move, video films, installations and objects.
Credit points: 16-20
Valentina Alexander, Anna Babchuk, Clara Becking, Tanja Blaufuß, Yigit Daldikler, Alessandra Fochesato, Sevasti Giannitsi, Eleni Gkelameri, Lisa-Maria Gloser, Hannah Greifenstein, Julia Herold, Kirill Kogan, Maria Kobylenko, Maryna Makarenko, Mengxuan Sun, Marija Mickevica, Hannah Mikysek, Masoud Morgan, Sangwon Nam, Ronja Polzin, Miriam Schenkirz, Lukas Schmeck, Irene Szankowsky, Emir Timur Tokdemir, Cécile Vexler, Tanita Wensky.