Kristalle in Berlin

Laura Spes

← Winter 2023/24

© Laura Spes, 2024
© Laura Spes, 2024

Laura Spes

Kristalle in Berlin

semester topic „Eins Werden Berliner Vereine“

video installation, 4:3, color, 2:09 min, 2024

The video was created with the help of archive footage from the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth. Crystals are grown artificially on site. Inspired by this, the video shows recordings of these, which in turn grow into new crystal shapes with the help of artificial intelligence. In the video, new shapes and colors are created again and again. Technology is also used to grow crystals that are just as artificial, but with the technique of image production by merging several images into new material. The video contains archive recordings of crystals from the IKZ mixed with AI-created crystal images made from the archive recordings.