Where Pansies Grow
Jannis Jelto WitzelJannis Jelto Witzel
Where Pansies Grow
semester project0.30min; 0.28min; 0.50min; 0.40min + printed Magazin, 2022
Where pansies grow is a selection of memories and impressions that I personally have with my
own experience of being a gay man. In four very different photographic series and videos I talk
about aspects of that said experience. "The Athlete" depicts gay mens obsession with muscular
bodies, drawing inspiration from club scenarios.
"The Princess" is the complete opposites and talks about the power of femininity and the ability to
play men like toys.
In "The Lovers" I want to show intimate love between two men. This love is beautiful but at the
same time tragic and full of fear of the outside world.
And "The Cyborg" shows something that is reality for a lot of gay men I think. The fusion of a
human being and the online world. A place for sexual freedom and expression.