Jana Charlotte Tost

Jana Charlotte Tost
BA projectHD, 30 min, 2016
Working environment: Independent, relaxed, self-determined, young, creative. Profession seen as a from of self-realisation. A space where economic failure is already accepted whereas personal weaknesses are being kept secret since the personality is in the center of the work. In monologues six fictional characters tell their stories about how tired, exhausted and lonely they are. Their wish of self-realisation is turning into self doubt. Being in a white anonymous room they dare to express thoughts and doubts, which they usually try to hide from friends and colleagues. The monologues are inspired from original text form internet forums.
Cast (in der Reihenfolge ihres Auftretens)
Paula Kober
Raphael Schmischke
Nikolay Sidorenko
Nicolas Lehni
Luisa-Céline Gaffron
Iris Becher
Regie: Jana Charlotte Tost
Regieassistenz: Jeanette Gosslau, Sophie Artz
Buch: Jana Charlotte Tost
Kamera: Marina Höxter
Kameraassistenz: Eszter Galambos
Ton: Büke Schwarz
Tonhilfe: Yannick Spiess
Kostüm und Maske: Sophie Artz
Setfotografie: Jeanette Gosslau, Eszter Galambos
Catering: Henriette Artz
Montage: Jana Charlotte Tost, Marina Höxter
Tonmischung: Jochen Jezussek
Betreut von: Prof. Anna Anders, Stefanie Gaus
Herzlich Dank an:
Agentur Gold Berlin, Claudia Tost, Teresa Rüskamp, Ella Funk, Elisa Gomez-Alvarez, Achim Sieloff, Claudia Lehmann, Phillip Fröhlich, Ulrich Schwarz, Viktor Holter, SalahAldin Ghanim, Amelie Eisele, Alexander Jung