IN-CAMERA - Spezialeffekte aus der Box

Pet & Flo

Mittwochs 30.11., 07.12., 14.12., 04.01., 11.01., 18.01.2022, immer 10-17 Uhr; 25.01., 01.02., 08.02., 15.02.2022, immer 13-17h

← Winter 2022/23

Pet & Flo

IN-CAMERA - Spezialeffekte aus der Box


This seminar offers an insight into special effects that are created during the recording of moving images and not only in post-production: pixilation, projection, timelapse, forced perspective. In-camera effects are still used in many productions despite the advancing digitalization of image processing. We will reveal why this is the case and provide an overview of this special category of effects, from George Méliès and the early days of film to today's virtual production studios, and above all test their practical application.